After sponsoring, how long does it take to receive my photos?
It takes about four weeks until you get your photos.
Do I need to have my name and/or a message on the items I sponsored?
No, you don’t need to put your name and/or a message on your sponsored items although the recipients do like to have their sponsors name or message on them. For Market Carts and Rickshaws, the plaque is like a personalized license plate for them.
Can I write to the recipient that has received the Market Cart, Rickshaw or Sewing Machine that I sponsored?
Yes, you are welcome to write to your Aid recipient. Just email or send your correspondence (under 50 grams / 2 ounces) to PeopleAid and we will see that it is forwarded to one of our offices in India for further delivery. It’s always good to include a photo of yourself, your family, Church or group. Your Indian friends are always overjoyed when they receive such a photo. Please use double spacing between your lines when writing to enable room for the translation. Our Indian staff will translate your letter into one of the 17 major languages (India has over 3500 dialects). We can also safely convert and forward any financial gifts. You just need to include your name and address, your Partner ID number, the name of your Indian recipients, and the date which they received their Market Cart, Rickshaw or Sewing Machine (all these details are on the plaque you receive with your photos).
Most correspondence is personally delivered by one of our staff when they are visiting an area where your sponsored family is located. Where necessary our Indian staff will also read the translated letter to the recipients as many of them are illiterate. Delivery may take several months as many Market Cart and Rickshaw families become transient as they are free to move with seasonal work or to better working areas. Where possible a confirmation photo will be taken of your sponsored Indian friends receiving your correspondence which will be sent back to you.
Can I make monthly or varying payments to fulfil my sponsorship?
Yes, many sponsors do ask us to debit a monthly amount from their credit card until their sponsorship is paid. Others prefer to use direct deposit, many use our secure website and some prefer to mail their various amounts to us to fulfil their sponsorship. Whatever you choose to do, we send you updates on the progress of your sponsorship so you know when it is fulfilled.
Will I be asked to make further donations to the recipient that I initially sponsored?
No. The purpose of the PeopleAid programs is to provide a sustainable income producing business to help free the poor from the cycle of poverty. Your sponsorship is a one-time gift which enables an Indian family to have a debt free business that permanently supports them. While no ongoing sponsorship is needed, please do consider sponsoring other Market Carts, Rickshaws, Wells Of Life or Sewing Machines to set other families and communities free from poverty.
What denomination is PeopleAid?
We are interdenominational. Our staff is made up of many different backgrounds and ethnic origins.
To whom and in what part of India are the sponsored Market Carts, Rickshaws, Wells Of Life and Sewing Machines distributed?
They are given to poor and destitute recipients mainly in the States of Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. PeopleAid does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion or politics. PeopleAid is simply committed to setting the poor and needy free from poverty – forever!